D12 at THH, Spliffs n Riffs, Vox Podcast & more!

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G'day Friends!

Tom Wilson, Manager of The Hen House here, welcoming you all to the first days of Autumn! Hasn't changed much heat wise though...

Hoping you're all gearing up for a great long weekend! Remember we are open all day March 6th from 8am-11pm!

We've had a super busy week down here at the studios, so scroll on down to check it all out!

D12 Head To The Hen House

We had a super fun day on Sunday! The legends from D12 made a quick detour after hanging out at the wildlife park, and thought they might swing past for a quick warm up before their show with Snoop Dogg on Monday night! The fellas not only gave the CDJ3000's a serious workout, but also brought along a few 60's Impalas to show off, some pretty impressive sets of wheels. Remember if you ever want to practice your set, we can always provide you with a mixer for the DJ Studios to get all your friends on the mic!

Spliffs 'n Riffs at The Rosemount This Weekend!

With the long weekend coming up, Sunday night means it's a perfect night for shows! And what better way to enjoy the weekend with some huge riffs. Check out the Spliffs n Riffs fest happening at The Rosemount this Sunday! We've got a tonne of our mates playing this one, so be sure to catch The Wedges, Giant Dwarf, Ratsalad, Unicorn, Mage, and of course the legends in Suneater! Check it out here

A Tour of the Death By Audio Factory

This is a great one for any guitar/pedal nerds out there! Oliver Ackermann and Heather Bickford walk through their shop and tell the story of how they met and expanded their company into what it is today. There's a pretty impressive collection of Fender Jaguars, most of which are broken or sawed in half, but somehow still functioning, and some early DBA prototypes. Death By Audio have always been known for their outlandish and wacky pedals, and so it's super interesting to see the place where they all come from, and why they're made the way they are. Check it out here! 

All Things Vocal Podcast

Now one for the vocalists out there! It can be a bit tough singing sometimes, and finding out where to get good pointers. Well, check out the All Things Vocal podcast! Professional coach Judy Rodman has 5 decades of success in the music and voice industry, and provides expert interviews for singers and speakers who want to grow their skills and careers. Everything from technique, warmups, interviews and heaps more!
Start here with this episode on how NOT to blow your voice out!

Well friends, that's me for this week! 
Stay safe and have a yourself lovely weekend, 

We're always looking to expand The Hen House community, we have 17 amazing rooms in Osborne Park and would love to have your band rehearsing with us down at the studio. 
Take a Look @ The Hen House Rehearsal Studios
and simply click below if you'd like to book a room.
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