SoundStates 23, Voyager to Eurovision, Drum Podcasts & More!

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G'day Friends!

Tom Wilson, Manager of The Hen House here, hoping you're doing great and getting stuck in to this year! Crazy to think we are already 2 months in. 

Even though the summer is over - there's still lots to go out and see! Fringe Fest is still kicking, and so many artists are coming over to play the PerthFest shows, so get out and enjoy the weather with some live music!

Scroll below to check out some interesting stuff I've rounded up for you this week,

The lads from 19-Twenty having a mid tour rehearsal!

Sound States 2023 - Applications Close Sunday!

Sound States returns for it's third year! If you don't know, Sound States is a W.A. music mentorship program that aims to provide early career artist managers and self-managed artists with confidence and skills to cultivate their own successful independent music career - and is a great opportunity for emerging W.A. artists!

Happening over three days in April, 15 lucky mentors will join a wide range of guest speakers, with the first round of guests sharing their knowledge being Jaguar Jonze & Grace Newton-Wordsworth. There will also be a range of venue music programmers, festival directors, artist managers, distribution representatives, and much more - so sign up here! Applications close this Sunday!

Voyager to Represent Australia at Eurovision 

A massive congratulations to the gang in Voyager for being selected to represent Australia in this year's Eurovision contest! An extremely hardworking and dedicated band, they've been chomping at this one for a few years now, and so it's fantastic to see them get the chance to go over and do what they do best. From WA to the UK, so stoked to see a band like this get some love. Go Voyager! You can read more here

Bandcamp Introduces Playlist Functionality

If you're still an avid Bandcamp user (I know there's a few of you out there!) - then you'd be stoked to hear that you can finally make Playlists out of your saved or purchased music! It make seem small, but for people that us the App it's super handy to be able to itemise your Bandcamp music collection. And if you're wondering why people use Bandcamp? Because artists receive 82% of all profits - so help out your mates!
You can read more here

Podcast - Drum History

Here's one for all you tub smackers our there - a podcast all about the rich history of the drums - and how they became what they are today! From players, to brands, techniques and timing - and all sorts in between, there's surely an episode in here that will tickle your fancy! Start here with this episode on the history of Gretsch

Well friends, that's me for this week! 
Stay safe and have a yourself lovely weekend, 

We're always looking to expand The Hen House community, we have 17 amazing rooms in Osborne Park and would love to have your band rehearsing with us down at the studio. 
Take a Look @ The Hen House Rehearsal Studios
and simply click below if you'd like to book a room.
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